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Can Kids Paragliding in Fethiye Oludeniz? Is There a Maximum Weight for Paragliding?

Can Kids Paragliding in Fethiye Oludeniz? Is There a Maximum Weight for Paragliding?

It is possible that you would believe that there are difficulties in trying paragliding with kids in Fethiye Babadag, yet paragliding is a unique experience for young people and kids. Only kids above the age of 5 are indeed permitted to fly. Paragliding for kids is, in terms of safety, no different than a regular adult tandem paragliding flight. All that is necessary is your family’s consent as well as the child’s desire to participate without fear. As a result, the entire family may engage in this enjoyable sport, and with successive paragliding flights, the entire family can even be together in the air at once.

Is paragliding an appropriate activity for kids? Do you have paragliding equipment that has been specifically built for kids?

It is true that we have seat belts for kids, which are specifically made to fit their little bodies and provide comfort as they travel.

Is it possible for your children to paraglide comfortably? What should children do when paragliding?

Because children are lighter in weight than adults, getting them into the air is easy. Taking a few steps forward with the pilot is all it takes for them to begin gliding in the air if their feet do not contact the ground. Our paragliding pilot will handle the harness in accordance with their weight.


Fethiye Oludeniz Paragliding Price for Kids – how much does it cost?

The paragliding prices in Oludeniz do not differ for kids. Our current paragliding prices in Ölüdeniz are in the range of $ 130.

When it comes to tandem paragliding flights, why is there a weight restriction?

The most crucial issue to consider during tandem paragliding flights is the safety of the pilot and passenger. Our Fethiye Ölüdeniz paragliding passengers’ weight is restricted as part of our safety procedures to ensure their safe transfer to and from the airport.

Because, despite the fact that paragliding wings are built of unique tearproof robust fabrics, the guidelines have maximum weight restrictions for the materials used in their construction. Increased weight has an effect on the takeoff with the wind as well as the overall paragliding experience.

The second reason for this restriction is that, as previously stated, difficulty during the takeoff. During that, both the pilot and the passenger must work together to ensure that everything runs well. By performing a few steps before takeoff, this alignment should be adjusted as per the pilot’s movements. Persons whose height and weight are incompatible with the pilot will have difficulties synchronizing with the movements and instructions. This synchronization becomes much more critical when the wind speed is low during takeoff, as it is in this case.

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